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This program calculates avalanche speeds, flow depth, run-out distance and gives estimates for dynamic pressures (Salm et. al. 1990, guidelines to calculate avalanches, SFISAR). Extreme fracture heights can be estimated in function of their return period for different typical Swiss climate regions (Salm and Burkard 1990). Keep in mind that any calculations are rough estimates, the model is calibrated for extreme events. More important than repeated calculations is a careful appreciation of the starting conditions (fracture depth, area, snow type ....).

Control applications and data retrieval

AlpuG and partners develop special software for alarm systems, control applications and data retrieval based on CSI dll and SDK libraries. AlpuG has developed a variety of special programs for data visualization, data conversion and system performance checks.

Logger programming

AlpuG and partners may help you to develop very special logger applications based on special features and commands of logger- and RF-interfaces.